The Best Vacation to Florida!!!


I am doing a project in social studies. We have to write a report about a place that we have been to.  So I wrote about my vacation to Orlando, Florida. This vacation happened last year.

        The story of my vacation

During my vacation to Florida we got to see a lot of cool stuff. The only Thing that wasn’t cool was all the driving we did!  We drove for two days the first night my dad drove for sixteen hours which got us to all the way to Jacksonville Florida. Then  it was like 10:00 pm so then my dad decided to just get a motel for the night. When we woke up we got breakfast from McDonald’s then we drove all the way down to Orlando which took us four hours. So it took us twenty hours to get from Ohio to  Orlando, Florida. While my mom and dad were driving my brother, Tyler and I went to sleep.

The reason my family goes on vacation is to something new and another reason we go on vacation is because my mom and dad work all the time they only get off work on holidays and for their vacation so my brother and I are always with our grandma,  so when we go on vacation we get to spend time. That is my favorite part of the year!

We stayed at a 3 star hotel called The Blugreen Fountains. There was also a huge video arcade in the lobby. When I saw the hotel I asked my dad if we were in the right place. When my dad said it was we went and checked in,  and then we got settled in and then my mom,  dad my brother and I all went swimming.

We decided to go to Florida because my brother and I wanted to go to Walt Disney World so we decided to go to Florida because it is closer than California. Another reason we went to Florida is because every year my brother and I choose where we want to go and my dad chooses if we go there.What surprised me was my dad actually said that he would take us to Disney World! When I found out we were going to Disney World I was so excited!

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                         Facts about Florida and Disney World

Five facts about Orlando, Florida and Disney world are that Disney World is so big that you could fit two Manhattans in it or one San Fransisco. Walt Disney was founded by Walt Disney and his brother Roy, in October 1971. The population of Orlando, Florida is 92,045.1,000 hurricanes have happened in Orlando, Florida, also January is the coldest month of the year in Florida, it gets down to 16 degrees Fahrenheit.

That is story of my vacation to Florida.

13 thoughts on “The Best Vacation to Florida!!!

  1. Gracyn says:

    That hotel looks pretty awesome with the pool and the lights. 🙂

  2. kamim5555 says:

    Hey I like your pictures and your blog.

  3. Abby says:

    I love your story. Its really good. Great job. 🙂

  4. loganw8 says:

    That looks like so much fun! I wish I could go to Disney World. Good Job!

  5. Sarah says:

    I went to the same place! I also wrote about my trip there.

  6. Hi Hailey, this is Brittany Riddle I really liked your story. I think your pictures are beautiful. I think I might like Flordia if I ever go there. You are more than welcome to come check out my blog it is called Brittany’s amazing blog.

  7. oliviaw5555 says:

    Great post! I never been but now I want go.

  8. Landyn says:

    I love your blog. I think going to Florida would be so much fun. Did you have a good time?

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